
Our Environmental Goals

Climate Change Threat

Limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees

Promoting Green Energy

Assist in the dissemination and operation of clean energy sources

Sustainable Global Development

Create a real channel of dialogue between the environmental experts and officials in the global north and global south to exchange ideas and initiatives

Cultivate Awareness

Spread green culture, plant trees, and do our best to raise environmental awareness for the new generations
Welcome to London Green Bridge

Professional Research and Policy Organization

We are an international non-profit research and policy organization that tackles environmental and development challenges

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trees planted
areas targeted
volunteers joined
researchers contacted
public meetings
students trained

Why are we here?

and what they say about

We seek to help our communities to overcome the negative effects of climate change and build a sustainable green bridge to exchange experiences and ideas to create a better environment

How to Find Us?

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